As the April 2018 deadline for new EPC legislation changes creeps ever closer, we thought we’d give you a quick update on the key dates for your diary regarding the changes!
It’s important that Landlords make this a priority, you don’t want to be liable for a potential maximum fine of £5,000!
1st April 2018 📅
After this date, new leases of residential or commercial properties will be UNLETTABLE if their EPC rating is an ‘F’ or ‘G’.
This means you have just 5 MONTHS to make sure your EPC certificate complies with the new law. Your property might already meet the new EPC standards, but if you need work doing to improve this, it can easily take 5 months. Don’t leave it too late and risk being fined!
1st April 2020 📅
From 1st April 2020, the changes in EPC regulation will be rolled out across all residential privately rented properties that are required to have an EPC.
1st April 2023 📅
Last but not least, after this date, the regulation will expand to apply to all existing commercial leases.
Don’t get caught out!
If you’re unsure of whether you’ll be affected:
If you’re looking for a cost-effective solution for improving poor EPC scores, we can help!
Our MEES reports identify the most cost-effective measures that you can take in order to reach any desired EPC rating. So whether you want to reach the absolute minimum of an ‘E’ rating, or attain a carbon neutral ‘A’ rating, you’ll know exactly how to achieve the energy rating you desire! Click here to find out more.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact our team for free, impartial advice.