01254 774943

SAP Calculation advice saves client over £4,000

We were recently recommended by one of our clients to assess a SAP calculation that had been produced by another Company. The calculation was showing as a fail and the assessor suggested that the heating system should be replaced in order to achieve a pass. The developer was not too impressed with the advice as the heating system had been installed at the cost of £4000.

Energy Performance Certificate rating scale

Upon receiving the calculations completed by the assessor, we quickly identified the issue. The wood burning stove shown on the plans had not been entered. Once this was added along with suggesting jackets for the hot water cylinders we achieved a satisfactory result to comply with building regulations.

The cost of our services and advice was irrelevant in comparison, and obviously our client and the developer we extremely grateful.

Once again we retain our client’s confidence by taking the time to find the best solution and not the easiest. Appointing the larger consultants doesn’t guarantee a better service.

For more information and advice please contact us


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Energy Performance Certificate rating scale
  • 24th October 2014