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The Pain of SBEM/BRUKL Calculations…

SBEM Calculations. A real pain for Architects, M&E Engineers and Project Managers!

If you are reading this, then you know exactly what I mean! You can create a stunning building design, impress your clients but then you are hampered with having to have a Simplified Building Energy Model Calculation (SBEM Calculation) in order to gain Building Control sign off.

Unless the building is designed to be carbon neutral, these calculations can be a real nuisance. Changing lighting specifications, U-values, heating and cooling specifications… the list goes on.

So how can we make the process smoother?

At Aldrock, we advise our clients on the best, most cost effective way of obtaining a PASS Rating. The Target Emission Rate is not always easy to hit and so it is paramount that we get as close to that target as possible before we start tweaking the specifications. We like to meet the design team to understand how they work and offer advice as to how we can do this.

We model the building using the latest modelling software, this ensures the building model is as accurate as possible and makes life easier for both us and our clients. This, in turn, helps reduce time and fees. With our superior software, it means any tweaks are almost effortless.

BRUKL Output Document

How do we differ from other companies?

Most companies will simply model the building and issue a FAIL. Then they will simply suggest the easiest and most likely the most expensive way to get a PASS rating. A common example is to cover the building in Solar PV panels. Whilst this method is not necessarily incorrect, it is by far from the best option, both cost wise and aesthetically.

Aldrock will dive down into the very depths of the software and tweak options that most SBEM assessors do not even consider, and we prioritise the cost-effective solutions and relay these back for feedback to our client. We are not happy until our clients are happy.

As designed SBEM to As built SBEM through to EPC. We make it as easy as 1-2-3!

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact our team for free impartial advice. 

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I want to...
James Rossall, Director at Aldrock
  • 11th September 2017