Aldrock have been successful in a bid to deliver Statutory Energy Compliance Assessments and Improvements to Buildings within the Borough of Hounslow, London.
Guy managing Director at Aldrock said
‘As a business, we have a growing client base in London and surrounding areas and this further strengthens our connections there. We are incredibly keen to build on this and offer our specialist skills on a National basis. The Building Energy Compliance legislation is relatively new in the grand scheme of things and now that the enforcement is becoming stricter and buildings with poor ratings can no longer be leased, property owners are beginning to take it very seriously, as huge rental incomes can be lost’
Rather than just offering basic compliance at a cost, we always consider the most cost effective strategy, return on Investment, and reduction of CO2 emissions as a whole.’
Aldrock have the ability to manage the Statutory Energy Compliance for Large National Property Portfolios, and have delivered schemes throughout the British Isles.
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