If you need to obtain an energy assessment, you may find it a little difficult to understand all of the terminology used, which can make it seem impossible to find out precisely what you need to do. From finding out where you can actually get an energy assessment to understanding what one will provide you with, it can all be a little confusing.
At Aldrock Surveyors though, we aim to make getting an energy assessment and the resulting Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) as easy as possible, which means we want to make sure you know precisely what we’re talking about! We aim to use as little jargon as possible when discussing EPCs, but it’s still important that you understand the various words and phrases used within this area.
Take a look at our jargon buster now to find out what you need to know:
An energy assessor is the company that conducts your energy assessment. Aldrock Surveyors is a registered energy assessor.
As mentioned, an Energy Performance Certificate is often abbreviated to EPC, and it obtained following an energy assessment. You can only have an energy assessment conducted by a registered assessor, and your EPC will tell you what the energy efficiency of your home is, based on an A-G rating (‘A’ being most efficient).
EPCs were originally provided with HIPs in 2007, when EPCs were first implemented in England and Wales. HIPs were introduced in Part 5 of the Housing Act 2004, and ensure no homes are sold without first having been provided with the documents contained within a HIP. These documents include information on local authorities, title documents, guarantees and EPCs.
The European Union Directive 2002/91/EC was brought about by the Kyoto Protocol and is a Directive by the European Parliament and Council that aims to increase the energy efficiency of properties throughout all EU Member States.
When talking about energy assessments and EPCs, you’re likely to come across some mentions of the Green Deal. This energy efficiency policy was implemented by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change in January 2013 and provides reports on recommended energy improvements that can be made within domestic and commercial properties in order to make them more eco-friendly.
In terms of energy efficiency, a ‘measure’ refers to a more eco-friendly and environmentally sound product that can be installed within the home. This can include double or triple glazing, new boilers, loft insulation, radiators and much more.
RHIs exist for both domestic and non-domestic properties and allow those that generate renewable energy to be paid for the energy they use themselves. The specific systems being utilised can determine the amount paid to the user.
Homeowners, business owners and others using renewable energy can earn money by supplying the grid with renewable electricity they have generated with a FIT. This allows those investing in renewable systems the opportunity to make a return on their investment in a shorter amount of time, and they also act as an incentive.
As you can see, there are many phrases and abbreviations that can be used when discussing EPCs and renewable energy. Whether you just want to get an EPC because you’re selling your house, or you’d like to make improvements to your property through one of the many incentive programmes in the UK, Aldrock Surveyors can help. Get in touch with us now to find out more about our energy services.