We were recently instructed to complete SAP calculations on two mid-terrace properties in the North West. This instruction came upon completion of the project which is not ideal.
As always in such situations we crossed our fingers as data was gathered and calculated……… Unfortunately the dwellings did not achieve the minimum requirements to satisfy Part L of Building Regulations. This poses a problem for both ourselves and the client as we do not like to pass the bad news and generally the client does not want to spend money not budgeted for.
After looking into many options we found a workable solution that would not involve the alteration of the finished building fabric. This solution of course came at a cost but I can’t help but think that it could have been so much more had another, shall we say “less proactive” assessor been employed.
The building control officer had mentioned the SAP calculations to the developer on numerous occasions prior to work commencing. As we see too often this advice was ignored. The cost of the SAP calculation in relation to resulting remedial works was a drop in the ocean.
It’s safe to say that we have acquired a returning customer who has already asked for our advice prior to starting their next development. A mix of quick delivery, going above and beyond our remit and seeing a project through to the end are just a few of the reasons we retain loyal custom.
Hopefully after reading the above we don’t need to highlight the obvious before your next build.